Border Partners looks for diverse sources of money to support our programs in Palomas but more than half of our budget comes from generous individuals like you. Three of the programs paid for with donations from individuals serve vulnerable people in Palomas: the elderly, youth and needy families. All of the money we raise during the annual Give Grandly campaign for 2024 will go directly to help these people. We want you to meet who benefits from each of these programs.
Elderly can eat
Francisco Beltran is 78 years old and does not have his own home nor any family nearby. Some neighbors allow him to sleep at night in a room in their house. He has no way to fix food for himself. Francisco is grateful to receive a plate of hot, healthy food every weekday from Border Partners’ kitchen. Besides Francisco, our Senior Meals Program serves 32 other seniors. We served 6775 meals in 2023.
Youth grow
Pedro Casillas, a 15 year old high school student, attended our after-school program this spring because he wanted to learn first aid. He wants to be able to help people who might get hurt. That class and four others this spring were Border Partners’ first effort at providing youth services besides sports tournaments. We hope it will be the beginning of addressing a major problem in Palomas. Increasing numbers of drug dealers roam the streets looking for kids with nothing to do. And there is not much for kids to do in Palomas besides school. There’s no regular organized sports, no clubs, few jobs for teens.
Our dream is to open a youth center, a place for kids to “hang out,” take a class that might lead to a job, or volunteer to help with a project. It will be staffed by adults who enjoy working with youth. We think it will make a big difference in the lives of youth in Palomas. Donations from individuals will make this dream a reality.
Struggling families receive help
Dora Perez and her husband live with their six children. This food insecure family is a good example of those who benefit from our monthly food baskets. Neither of them have any steady work and have trouble making ends meet. She receives a food basket from Border Partners each month. It consists of a bag of potatoes, a bag of beans, a bag of rice, two packages of noodles, two cans of tomato puree, eggs, toilet paper, soap, and oil. She is grateful for this help “so I can give my children a meal and pay for my water and electricity.” Border Partners supplied a total of 938 food baskets in 2023.
We can help people with real needs because generous donors contribute resources. Please consider a contribution to our GiveGrandly 2024 campaign: CONTRIBUTE HERE NOW.