Learning after school enriches teen lives

Fire hoses, ambulances, first aid training, basketball. Kids in Palomas are getting some new opportunities through an innovative offering of after-school classes this winter. Teens in Palomas don’t have opportunities to use their free time productively. There are no groups organizing classes. No teen center. No regular organized sports.

Unfortunately, there are drug gangs in town who try to influence teens after school. Border Partners has long worried about this. But, we have not had money or a plan to address it. In January, our Program Manager, Victoria Ibarra, decided to just go ahead and start some classes with a small budget. They’ve been a huge success.

Teen Classes Afterschool

The first classes are for groups of ten teens every day after school. The classes have covered a variety of areas:

  • Fire Fighting: The kids got to wear the heavy protective gear, haul out the hoses and practice shooting water and then roll the hoses up. They washed the fire truck yesterday.
  • Ambulance/Paramedics (first aid and using the equipment), CPR
  • Medical: Dr. Lina is giving workshops on contraceptive methods, anxiety and depression. They learned how to suture a wound, and they are making prevention posters.
  • Outdoor games. Girls and boys played basketball and soccer.
  • Drawing. A small group class with a local artist.

After seeing the success of this pilot project, everyone wants to figure out how Border Partners can do more programming for kids.

Enjoy these photos of kids having fun and learning!