Border Partners is a nonprofit organization uniting people from both sides of the U.S.–Mexico border in their vision that, by sharing resources, ideas, and experience, we can improve life for many people living in poverty along the border.
Utilizing our experiences in one community–Puerto Palomas de Villa, Chihuahua, Mexico–a community located on the border between the state of New Mexico in the USA and the state of Chihuahua in Mexico- which suffers the many effects of poverty, we are creating a model to expand opportunities and build hope in other border communities.
Empowering residents of border communities to improve their access to food, shelter, clean water, health services, education and economic security.
Our Core Values
We help people to help themselves.
Border residents are capable of improving their own communities.
Volunteerism produces enrichment.
We aim to develop a culture of volunteerism on both sides of the border.
We promote economic development.
There are resources available to share across the border.
Education empowers.
We promote an equality of partnership on both sides of the border.
Our Vision
Improved well-being of people in the border region
Working Together. Creating Opportunity. Changing Lives.