One girls’ team enjoys posing for a team photo op before their weekend game.
Kids love playing sports –no matter what the season. And, playing sports is good for kids. So, in the past, Border Partners organized sporting events. This improves access to healthy activity in Puerto Palomas.
However, once we got the organized sporting program rolling, parents have stepped up to do the organizing for the past two years. Border Partners works together with these parent leaders. We provide equipment and some financial support. Thanks to those parent-leaders, our staff can work on other projects for community improvement. And, of course, all of the young athlete participants benefit from the sports programming.
2024 Summer Sports

Athletics strengthens summer friendships.
Due to the heat of summer weather, this year’s summer sports games took place in the evening. There was one soccer tournament for boys (ages 14-17) and two for girls (ages 9-12 and 13-16). Each tournament lasted 4-6 weeks and drew lots of fans. Tournament games ran on either Saturday or Sunday with at least four games each day. Almost 300 youth participated in summer sports. There were about 100 spectators at each game.
In addition to the youth tournaments, there is an open-age men’s tournament that started in mid-July and will continue until the end of September. This tournament has been drawing 150-170 spectators to each game. Sports provide not only healthy activity for the athletes. They also provide opportunities for social interactions for the town community.