Great news from GiveGrandly 2021

Hip! Hip! Hooray and BIG THANKS to the 84 people who gave to Border Partners during the Give Grandly fundraiser! This is a record number for us for this event and we are so grateful for each donation!

We give special thanks to:
** Scott Davies. He matched all the donations;
** the Grant County Community Foundation. They gave us another $500 match and did enormous work making the fundraiser run smoothly; and to
** The entire crew of Give Grandly Coalition volunteers from 58 different nonprofits for organizing the event – especially to Andrea Warner, the Chair.

Most of all, we want to thank our donors who gave a total of $26,000 this year – also a record! This comes at a time when there are critical needs in Palomas. There are still many cases of COVID and jobs are scarce so more families even than usual are struggling to make ends meet. They are grateful for your help.

Lastly, we want to welcome and offer special thanks to the folks who gave to Border Partners for the first time – 42 of you joined our group of supporters! Thank you for trusting Border Partners with your money. We’ll keep posting updates on activities that your generosity fuels!